I’m grateful and excited to host this event that will be lead by my dear friend Luis Zanini from Brazil. He’s not only a dance teacher but also a systemic constellation coach, who offers an approach that includes the body, the mind, the emotions and the soul.
As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to reflect on the chapters we’ve lived and the patterns that have shaped our journey. Some things seem to follow us year after year—cycles that repeat, challenges we can’t overcome, and patterns we unconsciously follow. It feels as though we are bound by an invisible, deeply rooted programming, leaving us powerless in the face of these struggles.
Systemic constellation offers a way to see what is hidden. It’s a tool that brings what lies in the unconscious into the physical realm, allowing us to witness with clarity what is truly happening. It reveals the source of imbalances and shows us how to rebalance the forces shaping our lives.
This is a time of transition, an opportunity to bring light to the unseen, to close the cycles that no longer serve us, and to open space for new possibilities. By shedding light on what is concealed, systemic constellation practices opens the door to a new chapter – a life with fresh thoughts, renewed emotions, and the freedom to embrace life with more lightness, wholeness, and authenticity.
In this gathering in Bern, we will explore these dynamics together, embrace what needs transformation, and make space for the new.
To give you some inspiration of possible topics that can be explored in this workshop as an issue holder:
Self-expression and confidence: Releasing blocks that limit your presence in dance, performance, or daily life.
Family relationships: Understanding and harmonizing family dynamics that influence your decisions and connections.
Repetitive patterns: Identifying and breaking cycles that hold back your personal growth.
Fears and insecurities: Addressing emotional challenges that impact your personal and professional evolution.
Mind-body connection: Recognizing and integrating the messages your body expresses through dance or movement.
Emotional balance: Reorganizing internal energies to cultivate lightness and well-being.
Professional and financial blocks: Identifying limiting beliefs and inherited patterns around career and money, creating space for growth and abundance.
This workshop will be held in English. But don’t worry if you feel a bit uncomfortable with your English, I’m always happy to translate the missing words for you.
7. Dezember 2024
11.30 - 18.30 Uhr
Formados, Hotelgasse 6, 3011 Bern
11.30 – 14.00 Constellations
14.00 – 15.00 Lunch/coffee break
15.00 – 18.30 Constellations
Please bring your own lunch.
We will be serving tea, coffee and cake 🍰
Roles of participating
There are two roles of participating, either you come as an issue holder, bringing your individual topic that you would like to be explored through constellation or you are joining as a representative for other constellations without your own case. There will be space for up to four people who bring their case/topic that we will work with as a group. But also as a representative you learn a lot about the method as well as there are usually also significant connections to our own stories and why we get chosen to represent a role.
150.- CHF for issue holders
40.- CHF for representatives (without own case)
We are super happy to invite you to this day, no matter if this is your first contact with this transformational work or you’re an experienced constellation participant!
Aurelia & Zanini
Luis Zanini, systemic constellation coach, dancer and teacher